Problem based learning as a didactic strategy in higher education
Portada Volumen 3 Número 6
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Learning methods
Teacher training
Formative evaluation
Higher education

How to Cite

Pérez Granado, L. (2018). Problem based learning as a didactic strategy in higher education. Voices of Education, 3(6), 155–167. Retrieved from


This article describes an experience of teaching innovation carried out with a group of students who were trained in the methodology called problem based learning (PBL), belonging to the Degree of Pedagogy, University of Málaga, Spain. In the following pages, the analysis of the current context in which the PBL is considered a methodological strategy in line with the new didactic approaches of Higher Education is discussed, the main characteristics of this methodology are described, the process developed during the sessions work with students, as well as the results obtained. Finally, the strenghts and weaknesses of this educational experience are highlighted

Key words: Learning methods, teacher training, formative evaluation, higher education.

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