The peruvian indigenous organizations, Pioneers of the bilingual intercultural education
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Rodríguez Torres, A., & Sicchar Vela, M. (2017). The peruvian indigenous organizations, Pioneers of the bilingual intercultural education. Voices of Education, 2(3), 98. Retrieved from


The article addresses as an introductory way the problem of the basic education in the native Amazonian communities in Peru and the efforts of the native Amazonian organizations articulated in the AIDESEP (Interethnic association for the development of the Peruvian jungle) for the progress of the native intercultural higher education, especially in the early formation experiences of native teachers and professionals of health with an intercultural and bilingual curriculum from the view of “another native”. The Peruvian state delayed years to take over the formation of bilingual intercultural teachers and to address the bilingual intercultural education (EIB) as a public policy, but both with a traditional and functional approach that keeps the coloniality, even so the native organizations keep contributing and betting for an EIB from the view of the indigenous communities.

Keywords: education; intercultural bilingual; Amazonia; native organizations; coloniality; educative policies.

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