This article offers a reflection on two components of Inclusive Education supported by international research. Firstly, its synchronic condition, here specified as community-based, means that the activities of educational institutions are not seen in isolation but in collaboration with the community in which they are located. Both strategies that promote inclusion within the classroom, in line with the general curriculum, and the need to establish a support network using community resources are described. There's a particular emphasis on situations with significant diversity among student learning levels, arguing that a progressive view of learning allows everyone to share content and activities, even if objectives vary. Secondly, we reflect on the diachronic condition of inclusion, defined here as longitudinal, meaning that every inclusive process should aim for social inclusion, considering different life stages. The article concludes by noting the increasing barriers to inclusion as one progresses through these stages, emphasizing the need to consider this longitudinal perspective from the outset and to coordinate educational and social policies to achieve full inclusion.
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