Inclusion: the Specialness of education from the Vygotskian perspective
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Educational inclusion
students with disabilities
Students in educational disadvantage situations
socio-historical theory

How to Cite

Celada, B. (2024). Inclusion: the Specialness of education from the Vygotskian perspective. Voices of Education, 9(17), 153–168. Retrieved from


Based on the participatory research proposal, the topic of educational inclusion of students with disabilities and/or in a situation of educational disadvantage is investigated; It is based on the social paradigm to understand the concept of disability and, we engage in this perspective, to look at the subject in relation to the context and how the context determines the situation of the subject.

We maintain three keys that are supported by the theoretical framework of inclusive education: “presence, participation and learning”. The challenging objective is to achieve greater effectiveness in the learning and development processes of students with disabilities, processes that require educators to understand the theoretical and methodological aspects that underpin daily educational practice and guide the work they carry out with their students.

We add this socio-historical theory that provides us with the theoretical foundations to vehemently support that inclusion is possible if, from a position of critical pedagogy, we understand the singularity of the social, historical and cultural nature that the educational fact embraces.

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