Cyberbullying, internet addiction and emotional intelligence in adolescents: A gender difference analysis
Portada Numero Especial 2019
PDF (Español (España))


Internet addiction
emotional intelligence

How to Cite

Yudes, C., Rey Peña, L., & Extremera Pacheco, N. (2019). Cyberbullying, internet addiction and emotional intelligence in adolescents: A gender difference analysis. Voices of Education, 27–44. Retrieved from


Little research has examined the specific behaviors of cyberaggression by gender, and the role of Internet addiction and the deficit in emotional intelligence in cyberaggression. Being addicted to the Internet and certain emotional deficits explain perpetration cyberaggression by gender. The importance of future programmes on cyberaggression including parental control and emotional skills development is underlined.

PDF (Español (España))


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