Put care and affection at the center of pedagogy
Portada Numero Especial 2021
PDF (Español (España))


Affective justice
Ethics of Care

How to Cite

Angulo Rasco, J. F. (2021). Put care and affection at the center of pedagogy. Voices of Education, 17–34. Retrieved from https://revista.vocesdelaeducacion.com.mx/index.php/voces/article/view/446


The present work tries to reflect on the pedagogical importance of affection and care, not only in times of pandemic, but as a key element, although forgotten, of the educational process. To do this, the consequences of the pandemic and confinement for the health of citizens will be exposed, in a context dominated by the Global Educational Reform Movement. Next, we point out that the concerns of administrations and international organizations during confinement have been centered on 'maintaining' the pressure on learning, the learning machine, trying to improve access and online connectivity, and forgetting other issues such as the situation of families and students. In this sense, we show how concern for the other (families and students) has been a constant concern in many teachers, even above the established curriculum and learning. Finally, and as a complement to the best educational practices, we analyze what care and affection entails for the pedagogical process, indicating that it is not possible to return to the old normality, but rather to recreate a new normal based on the ethics of care and affective justice.

PDF (Español (España))


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