School and education as a possibility to strengthen the culture of human rights
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Human Rights
critical pedagogy

How to Cite

Linares Fernández In memoriam, P. (2024). School and education as a possibility to strengthen the culture of human rights. Voices of Education, 9(18), 61–74. Retrieved from


he globalization of the economy, the geopolitical reorganization, the conflicts between peoples and nations, the social inequalities, as well as the vertiginous progress in science, technology and culture, are significant characteristics and challenges of the third millennium. The technical-instrumental rationality favors an education that establishes roles and competencies as central elements of the professional training, avoiding the problematic of the goals, objectives and the social and political dimension of education. In Mexico, curricular contents, structures and approaches, have adhered to the “guidelines and directives” of the educational policy emanating from the “recommendations” of financial organizations and institutions worldwide. The respect and the practice of Human Rights is one of the great challenges facing humanity in the face of the predominance of instrumental rationality and the logic of the free market, which conceives of human beings as the “homofaber”. The rigid and vertical curriculum creates conditions for an exercise of power based on anti-dialogicality, imposition and authoritarianism. The school requests flexible curricular structures and a democratic organization, where teachers should assume an attitude of profound respect and practice of human rights inside and outside the school.

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Barba, José Bonifacio (1998). Educación para los Derechos Humanos. Edit. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México.

Freire, Paulo. (1974). La Educación como Práctica de la Libertad. Edit. Siglo XXI México, D. F

--------------- (1999). Pedagogía de la Autonomía. Edit, Siglo XXI México, D. F.

Pérez, Gómez A. 1. y GIMENO, Sacristán J. (1992) Comprender y Transformar la Enseñanza. Edit. Morata. Madrid, España.

Touraine, Alain. (1999). ¿Podremos vivir juntos? Edit. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México

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