Voices of Cyberviolence
Portada Volumen 5 Número 9
PDF (Español (España))


online violence
violence through ICT

How to Cite

Velázquez Reyes, L. M., & Reyes Jaimes, G. R. (2020). Voices of Cyberviolence. Voices of Education, 5(9), 63–75. Retrieved from https://revista.vocesdelaeducacion.com.mx/index.php/voces/article/view/204


The article aims to document the types of cyberviolence faced by 120 students of an urban high school in the cd. Toluca. Understood as an aggressive and intentional act online is about “sending and posting harmful or cruel texts or images over the Internet or other digital media” (Willard, 2005). Based on a mixed research design, the “online violence” self-report was applied, which allowed to identify trends and subsequently, from a narrative generating question, the experience stories with online violence were recovered.

PDF (Español (España))


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