The political, ethical, aesthetic and poetic leadership of school management - creating confluences
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Educative everyday life
Educative ‘spacetimes’
Female Principal
Male Principal

How to Cite

Nunes Caldas, A., Castro, M. C., & Alves, N. (2024). The political, ethical, aesthetic and poetic leadership of school management - creating confluences. Voices of Education, 169–190. Retrieved from


The article, starting from the idea of “confluences”, suggested by Bispo and commented by Krenak, seeks to discuss the central role of female/male principals of schools and other institutions in the establishment of multiple “confluences”: between students, between students and teachers, between teachers, between student’s guardians and teachers, between all school employees, between the school community and the community surrounding it, between the school administration and the other levels of school management, etc. With the support of researches on everyday life and in experiences narrated and commented of multiple occurrences, three different ‘spacetimes’ are worked: the time of the pandemic at a preschool, the tensions and solutions to decisions regarding the school administration at a university school, the creation of an experimental course of teacher formation in a different city from the university headquarters. With these narratives and analyses, it sustains a more general analysis of the existing contexts, today, that involve the existing questions on the educative ‘spacetimes’.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Alessandra Nunes Caldas, Maria Cecilia Castro, Nilda Alves


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