2022: Pedagogical challenges of hybrid education
Pedagogical challenges of hybrid education

This Dossier brings together a set of articles that present inquiries and research results on the new knowledge associated with the digitalization of school life and educational institutions present during the COVID 19 pandemic and in the current post-pandemic context. The collaborations from Mexico, Chile, Uruguay and Argentina that we present here contribute to the current debates on educational experiences in the framework of bimodality and hybrid education after the return to face-to-face teaching in educational institutions; the new institutional configurations, connectivity and digital divides; educational designs, the use of multimedia resources and social networks; the new modes of circulation, production of knowledge and multimedia languages; the links between education, technologies and digital citizenship; and the challenges of work and teacher training linked to digital literacy and informational media literacy. We hope that this production contributes to enriching the dialogue between colleagues and contributes to the construction of knowledge in the field of educational research in Latin America.

Andrea Iglesias & Virginia Saez


Rayén Condeza Dall'Orso
Reflections on children's participation in educational innovations during the pandemic
PDF (Español (España))
Daniel Brailovsky, Susan De Angelis
, Gabriel Scaletta Melo

Neither bad nor good: Scenarios of the meeting between childhoods and screens
PDF (Español (España))
Janneth Trejo Quintana, Rubén Oliver Espinoza
Media and digital literacy in Mexico. A bibliometric analysis 2000-2021
PDF (Español (España))
Mariana Maggio, Carina Lion, Jimena Jacubovich
Teaching practices in virtual environments: emerging didactic dimensions in the context of isolation
PDF (Español (España))
Nancy Peré, Virginia Fachinetti, Vanesa Sanguinetti
Innovation projects such as spaces for preparing for virtuality
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Myriam Southwell, Martín Almuna
Student participation and digitization of communal life: notes on an experience.
PDF (Español (España))
Patricia Ferrante, Inés Dussel
YouTube as an educational infrastructure. Alignments and decoupling between connective digital media and school practices
PDF (Español (España))
Virginia Saez, Ana Paula  Cappadona, Lucio Nemirovsky
Learn Social Issues or Controversial Issues with digital media. The case of teacher training in AMBA, Argentina
PDF (Español (España))
Andrea Iglesias, Denise Alterman, Agostina Giovanardi
Teaching experiences in pandemic. Argentine secondary schools between virtuality and the challenge of returning to attendance
PDF (Español (España))