Vol. 3 No. 6 (2018)


Gabriel Alejandro Álvarez Hernández
Narrative, experience and knowledge. Notes for an understanding of the educational field.
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Rocío Adela Andrade Cázares
Curricular review of the basic and educational area of the degree programa in psychology of the Universidad Autonoma de Querétaro.
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Gloria Inés Correa Aristizábal, Ángela María Cadavid Marín, Maryluz Aponte Sarmiento, Yuliana Andrea Marín Londoño
52 - 63
Subjectivities settings from the visibility of pain
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Flavio de Jesús Castillo Silva
64 - 76
Andragogy, andragogists of andragogy and their contributions
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Irene de Puig
77 - 84
Philosophy for children
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Facundo Giuliano
85 - 92
Approval/disapproval: two sides of the evaluative reason. A philosophical debate and some keys to resistance
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Weimar Giovanni Iño Daza
93 - 110
Educational reserarch from the qualitative approach: the oral history as a method
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Ana Carolina Maldonado Fuentes
111 - 125
Towards a better understanding of assessment: four topics to reflect upon with students in early teaching training
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Anabel de la Rosa Gómez, José Manuel Meza Cano, Judith Rivera Baños, Edith González Santiago
126 - 141
Evaluation of academic self-regulation in online psychology students
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Diana Elvira Soto Arango, Diego Eduardo Naranjo Patiño
142 - 154
Life history method in education. Knowledge dialogue and collective construction of knowledge
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Laura Pérez Granado
155 - 167
Problem based learning as a didactic strategy in higher education
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Lucía Rivera Ferreiro, Ana Aurora Olivares Berrocal
168 - 176
Education reform productions: the entrepreneur master of himself
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Juan Antonio García Fraile, Margarita Rojas Aguilera
177 - 190
The student's evidence portfolio: a teaching-learning didactic strategy that promotes clinical evaluation
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Maria do Rosário de Fátima Brandão Amorim, Fabiana Wanderley
191 - 203
Producción de sentido, mediación semiótica y educación inclusiva
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Elena Anatolievna Zhizhko
204 - 217
ICT and virtual tutoring in the education of young people and adults in Mexico
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Lyle Figueroa de Katra. In memoriam
218 - 224
Formation in values.: Some reflections
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